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Indeed, Taoism is one of the few religions in the world that stresses the importance of disciplining sexual relations as a prerequisite for good health, long life and liberation of the soul; hence the mutation of genetic energy is the main foundation; hence so many treatises on sexuality to which we will refer in the following writing.


V. Master Adriel and V. Master Samael

 Foundations of the Tao


The postulates of Taoism are as follows:
Three universal forces: negative, positive and neutral, complementarity, duality, relativity, etc.

All objects or phenomena in the universe are configured by two opposing but indissoluble and interdependent aspects that complement each other and are governed by a series of principles.


Everything has its opposite, although this is not absolute but relative, since nothing is completely negative or completely positive. On a cloudy and cold day, the sun can come out and on a sunny day it can rain and be cold.


The negative could not exist without the positive.
Mentioning the night implies recognizing the existence of the day and vice versa.
The high exists because the low exists, the hard exists because the soft exists….


Positive-negative, day-night, expiration-inspiration, heat-cold, male-female….
Both theological and philosophical duality agree on two supreme, irreducible, independent and antagonistic principles governed by essentially different orders of being with a certain radicalism.

Any negative or positive aspect can be further subdivided into negative and positive indefinitely; on dry days it can be hot, and at the same time that heat can be temperate or burning.


The universe is in constant movement, nothing remains fixed, thus one aspect grows and another decreases maintaining an equilibrium or appearing an imbalance in which one is transformed into the other.
Positive and negative are opposites or inverses and interdependent and are also expression and consequence of a fluctuating balance; it is indispensable that if one of them grows the other decreases. Otherwise we would not be in the presence of a dynamic equilibrium, but of its progression, whether positive or negative, beyond all control.


Negative and positive can transform, the same law expresses the fundamental of change, it synthesizes mutation, the emergence of a different and new phenomenon following another.


It has to do with the location of physical events, both in time and space, which are relative and nothing is absolute, including the law of relativity itself. The postulates of Taoism are the principles on which the sages were based since ancient times and regardless of the geographical and cultural position where they resided, it is as if they had seen through the same magnifying glass their scientific advances and although their discoveries were originally their own, the formulations are characteristically Taoist.


Indeed, Taoism is one of the few religions in the world that stresses the importance of disciplining sexual relations as a prerequisite for good health, long life and liberation of the soul. Therefore, the mutation of genetic energy is the main foundation; hence so many treatises on sexuality to which we will refer in the following writing.

Sexuality comprises some specific components, among them the most common are: reproductive component, affective-relational component and erotic component or pleasure.
The first component comprises reproductive activity, hence the name reproductive organs, reproductive apparatus or reproductive system to refer to the set of organs whose functioning is related to the sexual reproduction of the human species, among others.

The second component, called affective-relational, refers to the susceptibility that the human being experiences before certain manifestations that occur around the predominance of the couple’s relationships in the home and that help in this case to direct sexuality towards the main objective which is mutation and chastity.

The third component is called erotic or pleasure: it is what we commonly know as lovemaking, a euphemism often used to describe the act in which two people have sex to satisfy appetite and lust, with a negative connotation for the latter, which reproves excesses, but not for sexual appetite, which is an inherent need of human nature whose purpose is to exchange bodily fluids as well as hormones, enzymes and proteins, etc.
The reproductive organs, testicles and ovaries, are the endocrine glands or gonads with the faculty to produce sex hormones; and from the encounter of a zoosperm attracted by the ovum to be fertilized a new life originates.

The zygote, that is, the newly fertilized cell resulting from the union of the male (spermatozoon) and female (oocyte) gametes, is derived from the germ cells that appear in the wall of the yolk sac in the third week of development and from this location the cells migrate by amoeboid movements towards the developing glands, which arrive at the end of the fifth week; Their number increases by mitotic divisions during migration and when they reach the gonad, in preparation for gestation, the germ cells follow the process of gametogenesis, which includes meiosis to reduce the number of chromosomes by half (23 pairs of chromosomes), and cytodifferentiation to complete their maturation.

According to the chromosomal theory of inheritance: an individual’s traits are determined by specific genes present in chromosomes inherited from parents.
Humans have 100,000 genes whose coding is determined on the 46 chromosomes.

Genes that are located on the same chromosome tend to be inherited and for this reason are known as linked genes.
In somatic cells the chromosomes occur as 23 pairs of homologues to form the diploid number of 46. There are 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes, i.e. pairs 1 to 22, and one pair of sex chromosomes. If the pairs of sex chromosomes are XX, the individual is genetically female, and if XY the individual is genetically male.

Later they fuse their nuclei and the embryo is formed by cell differentiation, it divides to form two cells and later, the two cells divide into two cells divide to form four and begins to develop into a cellular structure.

During embryogenesis the first signs of cellular differentiation appear in the zygote and already in the morula stage it begins to grow and form another type of cells, the blastomeres, which begin to mature and form more and more specialized cells until they form differentiated tissues and organs that multiply and migrate to arrange themselves in the different germinative layers.

In this process of organogenesis, each of these embryonic layers or sheets will give rise to the formation of a certain type of tissues or organs.

– The first cell would be destined to form the endoderm, the innermost germinative layer from which the digestive system, the epithelium of the auditory canal, the trachea, the bronchi, the pulmonary alveoli, the urinary bladder and part of the urethra originate.

– The second cell would form the mesoderm, which is the germinative layer where the cells migrate to the space between the ectoderm and endoderm to form all types of specific tissues: muscle tissue (smooth, striated, cardiac), bone tissue, cartilage, connective tissue, adipose tissue, circulatory system, lymphatic system, dermis, genitourinary system, etc.

– The third cell would be destined to form the ectoderm or external germinative layer of the embryo; it would form the spinal cord, the nervous system, peripheral nerves and brain, among others.

– The fourth cell, also called immortal cell, we can say that it enters a state of hibernation by which its development process is so slow that, unlike the first three cells, the formation process would not be finished at nine months but after fourteen years.

This cell exerts a determining influence on human behavior and thought and contains all the genetic material and information that will be conferred to future generations, and it is precisely during the stage of puberty when all the organs of the body are developed and mature, secondary sexual characteristics such as pubic hair, breast growth, voice tone appear; the sacral zone widens, and, by the way, the name of SACRED was given by the ancient cultures because they considered the temple of creation as an attribute of the Supreme granted to humans; sterility was considered a curse or a punishment, while for those empowered to procreate there were laws of primogeniture; the first child was destined to devotional service, that is why also in the ancient rituals sex was the central axis of the  It was considered the bridge of union between man and God.

It is through the orifices of the sacral bone that the dorsal and ventral branches of the spinal nerves emerge which involve the cerebral amygdala in responses to sex hormone influences; for the cerebral amygdala contains receptors for both estrogens and androgens and responds to fluctuations in hormone levels by changes in its morphology; It is also involved in the processes of recalling emotional experiences, in the onset of fear responses, tachycardia, appetitive conditioning and in memory consolidation; in other words, the activity of the amygdala when encoding information is associated with information retention and once it detects danger, the amygdala orchestrates a rapid whole-body response to immediately move away from the threat, which increases the chances of survival.
That is why it is important to abstain from initiating sexual activity at an early age with loss of semen, because the person may suffer damage or some type of affection in the cerebral amygdala and as a consequence may be an incautious person, without fear of God, unspiritual and who hardly understands doctrines.

It is important to keep in mind that the Dorsolateral Pontine Tegument is the “Stimulation Center of the Pelvic Organs”; the pontine tegument is located in the dorsolateral portion of the brain stem, whose left part stimulates seminal emission with the help of a type of specialized neurons called spinothalamic, located in the lumbar-sacral-koxygeal region, a highly innervated area with a lot of blood irrigation, This leads to a continuous electrical discharge of a nervous reflex of the spinal cord itself, and this is when the discharge or emission of semen occurs, which in religious terms is known as fornication.

Puberty is the stage most influenced by sexual hormones, which cause significant changes in the way they affect thinking and also human behavior, to such a degree that they lead and launch men and women to a mutual and unconditional surrender to ensure the perpetuity and superiority of the species; and we do not say this because of the reproduction system of the same, it is because by mutating the vital essence we become super men capable of dominating our own nature.

The uncontrolled reproduction is the cause of the overpopulation that the planet suffers today; the contraceptive methods have evidently failed, while the mutation of the sacred fluids revitalize and fortify the body by hereditarily endowing each gene with noble qualities, of superior caste and of a good lineage, at the same time that it brings man closer to divinity; it is what some men of the past dared to call with the name of Viriculture: the art of regulating sexuality to prevent the emission of semen and to select the human seed in a physical and spiritual valorization. It is an effective method of birth control. 

Viriculture disappeared and was eventually replaced by eugenics, a method used in ancient Greece and elsewhere to select the species, not the seed.

It is the same Darwinian eugenics and its selection of the species that since ancient times some political systems have been promoting as a justification to execute virus inoculation programs, the genocide of races and cultures with biological weapons, forced sterilization, selective assassinations of people because of their religion or political tendency, and all kinds of genetic manipulations that have served to put into practice the most extreme racial ideologies, to get rid of those they consider inferior.

The knowledge of a superior type of sexuality is what gave rise to one of the greatest derivations of Taoist knowledge: the treatises of the bedroom or sexual alchemy as it is known today, which emphasizes the importance of renouncing the loss of the vital essence: the semen.

The greatest quality of the human body is that of metabolizing – from the Greek μεταβολή (metabole) meaning change, plus the suffix -ισμός (-ismo) meaning quality – that is, it is the quality we living beings have of being able to chemically change the nature of certain substances; that is what happens during mutation, to refer in the good sense of the word to the change that the organ is able to achieve in the gene, that is the genetic unit of hereditary information that is part of the DNA; without mutation there would be no changes and without changes there would be no evolution, there would be no phenotypic variability, no adaptation to environmental changes, etc.

An old Taoist proverb says: when the oil is spent, the lamp goes out; this to indicate that when the semen is wasted, the body enters a process of slow death and due to lack of vital energy a process of degenerative mutation is produced, so to speak, by the presence of the mutagen, a physical, chemical or biological agent that alters and changes the genetic information. Cancer is considered the end product of one or more degenerative mutation phenomena, hence the name carcinogenesis.
To avoid confusion about these processes that occur within the organism, the word mutation was replaced by transmutation since the Middle Ages, in an effort of the alchemists, who, based on the knowledge of the properties of matter, spoke of internal alchemy in a historical and religious context where the body is a miniature microcosm and its organs are compared to a great refinery where the starting point consists in making the source of living waters flowing downstream, thanks to the different states of the liquids, turn to its channel and head upwards, irrigating mountains, valleys and meadows called organs; It is also called the process of inversion, the same as in Chinese is known as Huan Jing Bu-Nau, which translates: to preserve the semen to nourish the body. Today in Taoism we say: sublimation of the waters of life or seminal liquid.

Refraining from spilling semen is fundamental because during sexual arousal the endocrine glands secrete oxytocin, prolactin and neurohormones that are poured into the bloodstream through the soft tissues of the genitals and circulate in the bloodstream throughout the body, healing and revitalizing organs, including the brain; curiously, the components of semen and cerebrospinal fluid are substantially the same.

To achieve the sublimation of the semen, the disciple must study and practice until he achieves it; for this there are many techniques ranging from physical activity to tone and invigorate muscles and tissues, to exercises to strengthen the will; also breathing techniques, retaining the breath, the immobilization of the entire sacral region with strong contractions of the urogenital diaphragm, etc. But it is indispensable to fulfill the following requirements as a condition to achieve this purpose.


This is achieved through chastity, which consists of knowing how to attain a condition of physical purity, of lineage, lineage and spiritual purity.

Purity of blood and semen is achieved with Taoist trophology, that is, with an intelligent diet, of a superior type, with an adequate diet that includes: fruits, vegetables, legumes, dates and medicinal extracts, physical activity, breathing and meditation.

Genetic purity is achieved by avoiding mixtures with different people and also by avoiding sexual relations with people of different blood type, since in all sexual contact there is exchange of fluids and hormones through the soft tissues of the genitals, creating bonds that alter the quality and genetic purity; hence the religious prohibition of adultery to avoid all kinds of improper mixtures.


It consists in assuming a discipline, a behavior and a sexual conduct to favor and facilitate the mutation of the genetic energy.
Chastity is related to purity of body, soul and spirit.
The purity of the body is achieved with a diet based on the consumption of fruits, vegetables and legumes; with an alkaline diet and with a good physical activity.
The purity of the soul is achieved with the mastery of human nature and with a strict control over each and every one of the appetites of the body.
Sexuality is the point of reference to know if one really has mastery over oneself, and it does not consist in abstaining from having sexual relations with one’s spouse; what a person should abstain from is the spilling of the sacred liquid of life, but it is not the renunciation of pleasure and sexual desire.


It consists of cleansing the mind, purifying the heart and controlling the appetites.
The sexual gonads generate dual hormones and each gonad has a different polarity; these hormones are conserving, regenerating and vitalizing.
When they are conserved, they are saved and mutate; they fuse and the angelic principle is born in the person and the angels are androgynous and are related to the intimate of each person.


It is the first step on the path to true spirituality and consists in committing oneself irrevocably to conserve the semen.


The sublimation of the waters of life is achieved after purifying, conserving and mutating the semen essence. This stage of sublimation requires strict control of the mind, senses and acts.


Once learned to convert the essence into energy, the disciple begins to manage it and reaches the original vitality; it is healthy because the energy puts in activity organs, centers and nervous plexuses and can also bring health to others.


At this stage the energy becomes the nourishment of beings and of the spirit that is the dragon.
It can be a master and embody the seven spirits and attain enlightenment.


When the spirit directs every thought of the initiate, wisdom is born, declining the ordinary knowledge resulting from experiences limited by the intellect. It unites with the great wisdom and consciousness of the cosmos in a comforting unification with the Tao. Consciousness shines forth and transcends all arbitrary knowledge.

At this stage the wayfarer is one with the path, is the Tao and is beyond religious concepts that promise salvation and spiritual immortality in exchange for rites, vows, unconditional faith and the recitation of prayers with camandulas.
People define the Tao Te Chin as the book of the way and of virtue, understanding by virtue the capacity to produce positive effects, and, speaking concretely of Taoist sexuality, if a person submits his relationship to these five virtues, furtive relationships, fruit of attraction, with the only purpose of satisfying desires and lust, typical of animal instinct, disappear.


In the sexual field it consists in the fact that the male must recognize the limitations and weaknesses in front of the woman and to be stripped of all interested and selfish pretensions.

Comparatively the woman surpasses the man in attributes and physical beauty, this is equivalent to facing a superiorly gifted opponent; and if we add to this the fact that morphologically the reproductive organs of the male are designed to provide the seed and thus perpetuate the species, we are faced with an anatomical disadvantage which we would have to overcome.

If the male superimposes his strength over his spouse with a rude and drastic behavior in everyday life, in the sexual act he may be exposed to suffer the worst of defeats, because there the woman, contrary to the popular saying, is the stronger sex.

The V. Master Ha Kelium Zeus emphasized the fact that the man when he goes to officiate in the temple of the eva (woman), the first thing he does is to prostrate on his knees as a symbol of humility.

He also spoke of the punishment for those who rejoice in pride which is the opposite of humility and meekness; they may find a woman who does not help them to be chaste and subjects them to an impure relationship by fornicating semen.

Humility opens the doors to the initiate and will lead him to the inexhaustible source of knowledge and that is why the psalmist wrote that the meek shall inherit the earth, speaking symbolically on the subject; since in the language of the esotericists the earth is a feminine symbol.


In sexual matters it means that he is willing not to spill the semen, sacrificing the merely pleasurable desires; to approach with affection towards the partner, without authoritarianism.


One should not force one’s partner to have sex if he/she does not feel like it and even less in times when it is not allowed due to cleaning issues, etc.


It has to do with giving dignified treatment to the partner, with reverence and respect to the greatest living temple of the greatest ritual of sacred alchemy.


It means acting with righteousness and harmony to integrate and become one with the partner.


It is the ability of the person to act wisely, according to the set of broad and deep knowledge based on direct experience.
Wisdom allows us to instruct ourselves in the exercise of conducting our lives with prudence and care on the path of peace, justice and harmony that is the Tao, especially because it helps the initiate to overcome the lack of instruction.

Man and Eve in particular must initiate to forge salvation and spiritual immortality with their own effort in this life; all change implies effort and sacrifice, hence it is necessary to be long-lived to achieve such purposes in the present life.

The Taoist doctrine focuses mainly on the care of physical health to achieve constant sublimation of genetic energy, to be long-lived and achieve true spirituality. The way of the Tao can be followed by anyone with sufficient discipline and an unbreakable willpower to sacrifice appetites.

The cultivation of spirituality and attainment of beings requires a lifetime of hard conscious labors, self-discipline and the help of the Supreme Maker in circumstantial events beyond one’s control.

It is an arduous, difficult path, and not every time the desired results can be achieved; this explains why so few choose to dedicate their lives to walking the Tao path. But with the help of the Supreme Maker, the force of being and with the assistance of the venerable masters Ha Kelium Zeus Induzeus and the venerable master Samael Joav Vator Wehor we can be authentic sons of the living God, be enlightened supermen, be members of the great solar brotherhood and reach liberation.